Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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Fort Worth Star-Telegrami

Fort Worth, Texas

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0 IT'S SO EASY TO PLACE STAR-TELEGRAM CLASSIFIED ADS JUST DIAL ED 2-7722 FOR RESULTS' OVER 200000 CIRCULATION EVERY DAY 10C Fort 1Vorth sttnTELEGRAM MONOAY MORN040 FEBRUARY 20 1907 I 1 Business Property 80 lillsiness Property 801 1 Houses for Salo 15 I IHouses for Salo 75 11 Houses for Sale 75 I Sida Area 75A1South Side Area 75C I Apartments Fun 41 I I Apartments hon 47 I I Houses Unfurnished 521 1 2 or 3-Roorn Apts 47A14-P00nt AWL or Larger 47B Rehm Houses or torqor 528 HIGHLAND TERRACE APTS POLY-7ibNitrooni duplex exception din nice turimiaiinns wIkin closi elso wdsher connections gAreqP fraturs ISO pius utililles PE 9162 1 4 )(04 FAKES AND COMPANY BUILDING FAKES A DI BURLESON 311 frame assume no credit chock SI00 down SRO rnonth Reliable Rely AX 311113 AX 31823 down Excellent location 3-bedroom 1-bath air carnet fenc- ed large patio large detached garage Atter 5 WA 3-0H62 EDGECLIFF WES 200e LIPOS Dr-5 veers old 3-2-2 living roOrrt end den sell enullY AX MORNINGSIDE --Lunt 3-bedroom near schools May payment BROOME JE 6-5657 001 LEE DR-3-bedroom 2cer baths Very clean career int CUB BEAR REALTOR All 2 3S4 BU 2 3361 HIGHLAND HILLS--3-bedroom brick kw fenced yard SYS (R 2-9211 BRICK-3 largo bedrooms 2 baltiS living room dining area kitchen Clan combination ilreplece carpels central heat and air-conditioning In tercom 2-car oaraue 414 Sangoinet Owner PE 7292 Si15 SOUTH HILLS 3 bedroom 2 bath brick electric kitchen air conditioned $150 month years lease WA 37oe I Building Materials 441 OR SALb to be moved niooero brAtoom duolee Pr2 No neWo Poyment psIS 2 bethoton frame move or oeir tot or aowie 1 1 2201 WI I CASH AND CARRY itotk 01 dents fn SI up And 11e1 S2 SO end SA SO ItE siren 0014111 Si 9S 11 lb roll ruIiq 17 clover shutters 9e 1 litex PetintS V-grpove phpotilly CS it 8 IN heir driMAI Ci SI es eKe I onderinv New corn diA fed don Se 9 2v4 end 2xe ecOttOtny 9S 4 AI temper tole SI oS 441 4 plvwend 99 end 'V 9S SO theetrock 95c TEAGUE LBR CO white Solitement Rd 10 2-8393 906 CF FIT nue 2Wroom duplex newly pAnele(t Neese 1( nool ens writer PE 11-9362 PE 2- 013 I) 6-1W12 SHADY OAKS 6612 SOUTH FREEWAY AX 31211 Montgomery St Apts OFF WFST FREEWAY PE 9411 Individual controllod hodt and AiF conditioning General Electric kitchens Swimming pool Nn oorkino or trottic hrohloThS 24IS-17 CLINTON Iroom bath elpl Pills WeekdAvs atter 5 in MA 44169 HURST'S MOST BEAUTIFUL APIS 1-2-2 kingsite bedrooms luxurious ly furnished or unturnished En closed pAtios be1411u' pool 2-car corking Soundproof large shopping center Across the street 1232 CAVENDER DR BU 21161 To BE SOLD AT PUBLICAUCTION Located 3rd Throckmorton St DOWNTOWN FT WORTH TEXAS TOBESOLD Located 3rd DOWNTOWt Southeast Side Area 7SF 2112-1 BRICK alr den excellent condition near Loop In Forest Hill $1500 equity $78 month JE 4-6018 NO CREDIT CHEK 4126 FIDGEWOOD TERM-31 heat air cieon S7500 14year pay out Small down assume loan Gass GI 1-4117 DR-3bedroom beat ond air 4h33 Comanche 2 bedrooms on cot ner 4617 1allman-2 bedrooms attached garage 4216 So Edoewood 3 bedrooms with workshop All low down revment FHA McGOWAN REAL ESTATE WA 3-0231 WA 3-51117 UNBELIEVABLE 3-bedroom large kitchen and den birch paneling 2 full tile baths oven-range disposal dishwasher and air VA nothing down FHA 3 per cent 3816 Falcon JE 66736 2706 CHRISTINE 2 bedrooms hying room dining room carretS pan elect den with Formica bar china closet bay window yard fenced Shade trees Very nice home like new and priced to sell Milton Wright Agency JE 5-0841 ASSUME LOAN 3-bedroorn I-bath central heat $67 month small down BU 1-3450 BU 4033 BU 1-4030 2-BEDROOM house garage and car pert 414 percent loan $4500 TE 4- 1276 SUL 6 ACR In sit terms 51IBDI trees CR 2-50 Vie acr ptiiities 1832 ACR month WA 6-6 OVER OL 1-3 261's A loins utilitle 1938 a SmitM 364 Al rBIt EN arms Restr1( valleys your Paul 1 BU! WE buildir $35000 In 740 past berry $05 court log 5129 Id locatIC g07(154 house way I River dustry gage Park Area Architect's own home Unusual ultra modern contemporary home 3 'oedrooms 2-bath fireplace air conditioned built-ins $725 2120 Sandaue WA a SO42 ED 2-0651 WA 41610 3411 4-rooin house Adults only TE 4-0311 4245 Park $90 LOLA PAGE WA 37641 ARL HT5--4905 Locke air Neat 3-2 schools GL Wen BURLESON EVERMAN MODEL HOMES OPEN WESTRiDGE VILLA 23 bedroom opts Furnished and Urv I tnished Just off Como Bowie od lacent to Rido lea Shoonino Center Convenient to and Carswell No ilidS0 or deposit required Peis nod children welaniti 3801 Westrldge PE 73148 'Rooms for Rent 45 I THURSDAY FEBRUARY 23 1967 2:30 pm CST THURSDAY 1 2:31 WHY HUNT? No Charge I I 1 I ILAND II 1 II i IApartments Whim 481 Daily 10 AM Till Dark Several under construction ready to occupy down down IMoving and Storage 53 I LAND AREA 95 FT ON THIRD STREET 125 FT ON THROCKMORTON 4 STORY BRICK BUILDING IN EXCESS Of 46000 SQUARE FEET AREA 95 FT THROCKMORION 4 OF 46000 SQUARE DOWN to anyone with 90 Oovs Military Service Your Attention Please! Would the nice lady who called on our "MONTICELLO" horns of 4-bedroom "Call us We've misplaced your phone number We have soma "good news" for be Pleased you called and THANKS! PE 2-9988 PE 8-58811 PE 1-1828 JIM BRANNAN CO PE 7-7296 WESTOVER HILLS Quail Run bedrooms 3 baths 2 fireplaces $65- 000 WA 3-8248 AX 2-2558 WrIker LOVELY 4-2-2 horne Western HOT Electric kitchen washer-dryer as- sume 514 FHA loan 3044 San Mar1 cus CI 4-0024 CHOICE neighborhood 3-2-2 heat-air fireplace Owner PE 2-1291 WESTERN HILLS NORTH 3-2-2 PitneiPd den GE kitchen carpels drapes fenced patio Central Mr 3001 San Marcos Or CI 4-1124 NORTH BAILEY nice neighborhood 2 bedroom garage financed Choice selection of properties In all tirPtIS CHADWICK REALTORS ED 5-9411 HOUSE for sale facing Monticello Park 3559 Dorothy Lane South Ws story 3-bedroom 2-bath Colo- nial modern kitchen 3 fireplaces separate dining den air conditioned 630000 Call for appointment PE 8-0438 3 BEDROOMS 2 baths air Honed central heat Intercom fireplace carpets 3036 San Marcos $780 down payment Call Cl 4-0125 North Ridglea 3-BEDROOM den 112-bath double garage 1696 square feet 3290 Olive Pi Corner lot $11850 Easy terms Shown by appointment only Con Real Estate 5200 Camp Bowie JE 6-8601 PE 2-5331 3 BEDROOM spacious den 1 car fenced 5500 down $79 month JANIE ELLIS RgALTOR PE 2-6661 EXCLUSIVE RIDGMAR 6305 INCA 4 bedrooms 2 baths fenced yard large den with built-ins Price upper 205 By owner PE 8-3664 BEAUTIFUL IA months old 4-bed-1 room game room or 5-bedroom 3 baths paneled den bar fireplace living room dining room kitchen built-ins stockade fence Sprinkler system Overlooks Shady Oaks Country Club Low 50's PE 7-6163 FHA AND VA BROKERS With $100 down you can own a comPletely redecorated 3-bedroom brick home Choice locat on MIRIKE CO REALTORS PE 2-1431 Mirike Cl 3-8152 Loraine Miller PE 2-0425 $100 First in Worth Dai Oklethoma City ACAPUiCO MeXICO APARTMENT SERVICE The Auctioneers will have a representative on the pram ises with all factual information of building Sale to be conducted by The Auctioneers will I ises with all factual Sale PE 2-7711 66 55 CAMP BOWIE BLVD DIRECTIONS: Freeway to Everman Exit East to Ma IlIck Parkway tolloW signs to models DIRECTIONS: Freeway to Hlohway 174 right to Fine Station rioht to Amy St and model homes TRADES CONSIDERED APT HUNTING? WAYNE COOK ASSOCIATES INC WAYNE COO POWNIOWN Ideal etticiencX Also 712 2nd rbonia pont bedroom 1001 privileue lady Jk 6442 IOWA CO private room bath Fhower man PE 73091 ice adioins bath col Marl Si 0 Week Jr 5 Haag pi DROOM private bath and rm trance ruterenCeS required WA 3- 1 414 rE SIR ABI private emiran(P rim tiemlin PE 8 6178 915 El Cameo bedroom study bath rtrne kitchen WA 6-381 Front Beckoom 2541 Waipa WA 4 0015 ---611164ETT ARMS HOTEL 1004 Burnett central air private balh carpet phone coffee ParkiPg DOWMOWn Reasonable Maid service ED 2 8395 IVE shopping center 10MS bath MA n-6030 IVANHOE HOTEL 7119 3rd residintial clownlown hotel RPMonable 2 4401 405 PROSPECT Redecol ated MJS refrigerator MA 6 5381 ARL home privileges PE 22s49 Alter 5 DOWNTOWN NICE achoins bath carpets refined men 112 2nct NICE ROOM private bath Near Pell AT 47937 PRIVATE entrance bath air carpel refrigerator man WA 1-2830 1C11-2story brick Ice box tub 441nwer man no drinking WA 4-4450 LOCAL and long distance moving 2 'dlocks or 2000 miles Insured Call Delta Van Lines WA 3-5272 LOCAL LONG distance moving Cheapest in town No lobs too large or too small Van insured ZACHARY ED 6-3498 MOVING van or pickup Reasonable rates GL 1-0421 I-PIECE houseful anywhere any time Saturday Sunday MA 6-7951 van or pickup I piece or houseful JE 5-2621 MOVING AND light hauling $5 tn) WA 70381 MOVING anywhere anytime fast economical 24 hours MA 6-0725 TRANSFER experienced movers insured CO 2-0513 ED 26453 EXPERIENCED low cost moving free estimates Little PE 8-1139 200000 SQUARE FOOT storage warehousing of all types Bonded with truck and rail service Also check With us for best spring field seed Prices Hybrid and Green Grow COMMERCIAL STORAGE CO 600 Watauga Saginaw Tee PHONE CE 21612 POLY SPECIAL Pay your down payment by painting In your spare time 214 also 3-1-I with den ED 6-0831 Newman WA 6-6439 NEAR POLY HIGH SCHOOL 2-bedroom garage large kitchen with built-Ins fenced yard no down $63 month Lisby JE 6-8287 CLOSE 820 brick trimmed 4 bedrooms attached garage new paint new floors no down payment $76 month Lisby JE 64387 HOME AND BUSINESS LARGE CORNER lot on Riverside Dr Zoned commercial with nice 4I2-room house Best buy in town for cash WA 4-3194 Clifton White WA 3-46471 HENLEY REALTOR I A FREE SERVICE WA 6-3361 2 or 3-Room Apes 484 EFFICIENCY West stove box itilities $4950 PE 7-4HA8 9 to 1 3 ROOM DUPLEX 513 Spurgeon South Side WA 34164 NOR 1H SIDE-2 3 4-room duplexes and houses 815 um MA 4-3931 VINE COVERED DUPLEX Looks like a home One large bed room Refrigerator nd stove furnished Living room separate dining area Central air and heat Clean Convenient location Carolyn Burk PE 1-108 ED 6-9891 and nice Adults $80 GL 1-2232 3009 811-I AVE-2-bedroom apt water paid 155 JE 1-1312 adults SCENIC VILLAGE In 1-2-3 bedroom duplexes Gas Ranges-Central Heat Refrigerators Available Carports Storage Water Maintenance ST8 Bluebonnet Dr TE 8-9508 UNFURNISHED efficiency apt combination livinp room-bedroom with kitchen and bath Near shaming center and bus S45 901 cl*tiOn ED 5-101 FatTrIntakigit Ulada AX S-1421 A TB "The Nation's Leading Auctioneers" 3505 Turtle Creek Blvd LA 8-2581 DALLAS TEXAS The Nati( 3505 I AX 3-2997 "OIAL17FD" Anarttnent Home Selector 3ROOM APT Is to Allis oalet near courthouse 907 Mutt WESIMOOR COURTS Near Con valr Carswell Bedroomc kitchen ettes $la week end up PE 7-6611 THE COATES 1812 121 A F1Ih West and 1 6538 1 24V2 a ir 6050 can 2228 1 49 ac 67 HELE AT 64 26171t Drive Box IHouses for Sale 75 I I Dup Ns AptsSale 7511 Live downlowo lust a stets to all activitii Cost less tool Rooms apts maid service linens dishes ED 2-5315 611 West 1th IBus Prop (Rent Lease) 551 8-UNIT furnished apt 3 rooms and bath each 121 Galveston Audrey Hudspeth ED 6-2114 ED 2- 6456 Lucerne Apts VERY NICE 1-bedroom duplex apartment conveniently located In Riverside $50 per month Epoch Totten Realtor TE 42241 670 No Sylvania TE 8-3959 1 Room and Board 46 I NICE 2-bedroom hardwood floors panel heat cyclone fence garage $OO month $250 down or paint AX 5-1255 ED 2-2459 NO DOWN selection of 2 and 3-bedroom homes Eastwood Stop Sin Poly areas Small monthly payments quick move-in LOVELY BRICK-3-bedroom 2-bath kitchen built-ins new carpet 2- car garage Highland Hills $200 down ASSUME new 3-bedroom 2-bath garage Close to I bus Cash down payment assume 571 payments Sales Office 4401 Berry ED 5-1234 JE 61433 TE 1-1715 FRANK BUSS COMPANY :4 ROOM house close to schools shopping and buses 3100 Alcannon AT 4-9e89 Hobs! Rooms Efficiencies Aiso 1 2-bedroom apts Bills paid resonant raies ED 6-7166 40)(50 BUILDING large doors tor garage 4308 28th HU 2-1386 3 1-10 ACRES cyclone fence 60' Fairbanks Morse Scales one shoo building 30440 Office buildings will lease with office furniture Weinberg Sons Highway 81 South 12 miles south of Burleson AX 52169 6250 scluare feet 6250 square feet BEAUTIFUL 3-bedroom and den garage fenced yard lust like new Morningside area no down May payment $56 month Lisby JE 6-8387 CROWLEY Beautiful 3-bedroom brick 2-bath 2-car large den with fireplace completely redecorated hom*o State Realty AX 7-1325 AX 3-3700 AX 3-1206 HIGHLAND down Wick 3-2-2 Pay $95 May Sage JE 6-5621 MORNINGSIDE No down 3-bedroom pay 570 May Sage JE 6-5621 SOUTH SIDE on Jenninqs nice older 5-room frame A real solid house in good neighborhood but needs repair and paint As is 52950 $200 down $50 month or I will do all necessary repairs for $1000 GL 1-9111 LOVELY 3 22 brick 112 baths Built-Ins $100 down $85 monthly Blankenship JE 6-5609 UNDER CONSTRUCTION! VA 3- bedroom brick corner large den range-oven central air 2-car Close to shopping schools churches No down $95 month will trade AX 5-1255 ED 2-2459 IApartments Unfurn 481 Ns ft 'A "4A Le Highlands ACRE comrr sizes trial saes' to i To SETTLE ESTATE South Side duplex 4 rooms eolcb Side separate meters $150 income or a home with Income Make otter ED 6-5010 WA 4-6350 WESTSIDE DUPLEX 2-bedroom apartments luxurious fur- niture $2000 down $9500 A Horwitz GL 1-9274 BRICK duplex with bunt-ins 514 per cent loan by individual No agents please CI 1-0485 28-UNIT apt house ultra modern 2 years old Must sell 50c on the drillac $38000 for my equity $8000 down terms on balance Mike Wilson ED 6-5566 AX 3-2474 HAI TOM CI TV-17oom and board 3 wrals 330a Swan TE 4-3428 ATTRACTIVE Rooms Excellent meals WA 4-9620 1804 5th Ave ROOM and board for elderly pee hie My home Cl 1-0419 1318 HEMPHILL Room board child care WA 11443 I015 men or' vate room lunches bus WA 3-8552 ROOM and board for 3 men in private home MA 85095 RIVERSIDE-2 meals $15 Men Parking 2811 Bird TE 8-3252 1214 5TH AVE Private sink in mom 57 Board $IS ED 2-6240 2 and 3-Bedroom Apts 1 1 5 Furnished From Across from Ward Plaza on Berry 1800 EAST BERRY STREET PHONE JE 4-3021 Northeast Side Area 75itt1 LIVELY NEW end used brick homes 3 lo 10 per cent down Low interest aSSUMPtiOnS available Dan Guest AT 40922 AT 4-7786 Letha Hardin AT 4-7301 PAINT FOR DOWN PAYMENT3-BEDROOM good location BU 2-6711 Tongate BU 1-0236 BY OWNER sacrifice 3-bedroom 192-bath white brick corner lot 2 car garage stockade fence new carpet no equity no payment Get your own loan 4341 Cummings Dr BU 1-6522 3-2-2 BUILT-INS air $OO down Payments $106 BU 2-6711 Tongate BU 1-0236 NEED A LARGER HOME? 2000 square feet 3 large bedrooms 2 baths den all built-ins air covered patio $18900 with $900 down See this lovely brick home at 4700 Catch in St Extra large lot GILES BUILDER BU 2-1929 BU 2-2576 54 ACRES overlooking downtown Fort Worth Future here $1250 per acre some terms GL 1-9111 OFFERS ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES MODEL HOME 8917 KINCAID DR $50 DOWN We have several 3-bedroom homes asbestos siding brick trim attached wage tile bath kitchen Near schools shaming Carver Heights 6 We do our own tinancinn US REALTY 6521 Ramey GL 1-2538 I Lake Resort Prop 75K I IApartments km 41 I 'TCu-3414 University Dr Carpeted efficiency tile bath $75 water paid PE 8-5949 IVER 2-room apt bills paid Near store PE 7-0905 WOULD like to share nice home with lady with or 2 children AX 3-2665 12915 WINGATE clean furnished du' pies $40 AX 2-2278 NICE SMALL duplex TV also efficiency WA I1063 2 ROOMS bath 550 month bills paid PE 2-1783 3520 Locke 8 others under construction Lots of custom building available Community swimming pool nearby All homes completely landscaped fenced and draped' LOW North Benbrook TAXES All models open tilt dark DIRECT TRADE SYSTEM FHAGI and Conventional Directions: Highway 80 to Cimmarron Trail turn left at flashing light to Chapin Rd Turn right (West) 3 blocks to Pecan Valley SLOAN CO HI-L0 SHOPPING CENTER 8345 Weatherford Hwy Cl 41211 FURNISHED 314 rooms extra clean near bus and stores Sell for cash or large down payment WA 3-1782 after 530 pm 3645 BALDWIN See this 2-bedroom if you like It we will make a deal CLAUDE COATES REALTOR ED 2-5315 JE 5-7200 SHOWHOUSE close-out! 3-bedroom brick large paneled den (no living room) dining area gas range-oven 2 baths central air disposal 2-car FHA-VA $125 down reduced to $112 month will trade AX 5-1255 ED 2-2459 ASSUME LOAN 3-2 brick 2-car garage corner lot covered patio built-ins air conditioned Small down 596 month BU 1-3450 BU 1-4033 BU 1-4030 I Apartments urn 47 I 4-Room Apts or Larger 4713 LAKESIDE Village excellent location real nice redwood capin furnished all-electric air conditioning Cash $2850 BU 2-1843 DESIGNED FOR LIVING NEW BRICK home on 200' lake front' Has 3-bedroom 2-bath fireplace heat and air Hurry won't last long CE 7-4346 CE 7-2318 CE 7-3393 Northwest Realty CE 7-1161 EAGLE MT LAKE-3-bedroom 2bath enclosed porch carpeted paneled built-in kitchen fireplace per and boat house deeded land Will finance WA 3-1886 EAGLE Mt New lake cottage lovely view boat club site AX 2-4368 CABINS 8xI6 5295 1000 $355 axe $145 808 8170 TE 4-5456 USED I2x24 portable bldg paneled Insulat- ed tile floor lake cottage TE 4-6051 RESTRICTED Lake Whitney lot 70000 feet $795 cash WA 3-3724 LAKE WORTH Waterfront home CE 7-9565 Scarborough CE 7-2463 4-Room Apts or Larger 4811! Southside 516 Henderson ConR IVE RSIDE nice 1-bedroom duplex sisting of display customer office $60 Water paid TE 4-0705 warehouse area CALL ETHAN ALLEN ED 5-5171 2629 BOMAR 4-room brick duplex plumbed bus $55 JE 6-97213 OFFICE or small business Private parking area Convenient to down- JARVIS HTS $4C TO town and Freeways $90 month WA Clean 1-2-3 bedroom apts 6-7176 CE 7-2121 Convenient to schools shopping Stove refrigerator available NEW fireproof building 2500 to 11- MA 6-2141 1401 NE 35th St 000 square feet 1 mile to town BRYAN GREGORY TOWNSEN 2736 Whitmore ED 2-7643 WESTOVER VILLAGE 2516 BELKNAP-Central heat-The Cone of Silence ing and air conditionIng fluorescent Furnished or unfurnished strip lighting dual rest rooms 148 1 2 3 bedroom Apts 2 bath! 9 car parking Paved and lighted Jedroom Town Houses all-electric Commercial wiring Building 12850 kitchen walk-in closets covered square feet Call TE 8-6827 JE 4 parking Family and adult section 6911 Nat Myers or Herb Schwarz 2 swimming pools came room OFFICE SPACE for rent nice new PE 7-6893 2401 Taxco Rd building airconditioned plenty tree 3604 LAUGHTON 2-bedroom duplex oft-street parking permanent loco- $45 month JE 4-3787 WA 66861 hon 1226 Main ED 5-5701 1101 6TH AVE-4 and 5-room mod 2900 RACE-Office or business space near bank parking MA 4-1966 ern $35 month up ED 2-3078 USED CAR LOT 100 feet downtown DUPLEX-Water paid children wet- 609 come 3228 James Ave WA 3-1630 Weatherford $250 month Mr Rose ED 5-4721 GL 1-2482 MONTICELLO DUPLEXES SHOP or supply depot 3300' 1937 Lancaster TE 8-0884 WA 6-4004 Newly completed 1 story luxury duplexes $180 monthly Designed BUILDING-Suitable for offices or for your privacy and comfort Fea- small shoo West of Wards off West lures in each unit include: Living 7th Street ED 6-9895 WA 7-5531 room dining room 2 bedrooms 30xI50' BLDG with large ottice washer and dryer connections en- space CR 2-6185 AT 4-0834 closed patio carport carpeted and HALTOM PLAZA CENTER draped All electric kitchen 3717 9O0 square feet excellent parking 3731 West 4th Call Pb 11789 available immediately CARRIAGE HILL MANOR Wm A Colley Co PE 7-3181 Arlington's largest and finest 3462-A BLUE BONNET Circle office 1-2-3 king size toedrooms space or shop modern $70 per 2 poois club room sauna bath month Carter WA 4-8573 Juno Jones Dr CR 49761 INDUSTRIAL property 5000' build- mg 800' house AT 41650 1 Houses Furnished 51 1'1415 THROCKMORTON ST 50'x90' building ideal wholesale or distrib3 ROOMS bath $40 month 3609 star WA 3-8965 Grove NEW warehouse and office space PEDECORATED 2-bedroom furnish- Seminary South area WA 14116 ed $AL While Settlement MA 6- 2289 CROCKETT and Foch new attractive 50e70 building plenty parking 5 ROOMS adults no pets South industrial Schuster WA 7-5311 Seminary No bills $85 WA 6-0124 4919 CAMP BOWIE-50x75 prime 3829 RYAN AVE $65 Month cation Fireproof PE 2-2725 Tile bath draM ED 2-8711 ARLiNGTON commercial industrial 3-BEDROOM house completely fur buildings Biesel CR 4-8621 fished Shown Saturday afternoon IN HALTOM CITY off Beach St all day Sunday 602 Freestone Dr Between NE 28th and Belknap Euless Texas Zoned M-1 industrial will build 20- GUEST HOUSE-Gentleman near All 000 mare feet or less for lease Saints Hospital WA 3-8851 after 6 TE 1-1982 ARLINGTON-Nice 3-bedroom 2- FOR LEASE or rent Offices and bath carpeted brick with garage 200' lot 2912 Main Contact and fenced yard $135 CR 7-4386 Ferrell Whispering Oaks 12-3bedroom and efficiencies Compare our features Diswasher-Disposals piped in AM-FM Music Iwo swimming pools (heated) family section 5658 Lancaster GL1-9484 EIGHT NEW MODELS Nearing completion In HOLIDAY HEIGHTS EAST Elementary and High School Air-conditioned 3 and 4 bedrooms 2-bath brickS Immediate Occupancy To QUALIFIED BUYERS LOW DOWN FHA NO DOWN VA Conventional loans available CONVENIENT TO SCHOOLS StIOPPING AND CHURCHES DIRECTIONS: Take Loop 820 to Holiday Lane signs to addition 7 2 or 3-Room Apts 47A 3 ROOMS $12 bills bus South Side TE 8-9081 Bell Crest Manor Hurst's Finest Apartments Spacious One or Two Bedrooms Furnished or Unturnished From S110 Month Bills Paid Swimming pool dishwashers fire proof soundproof huge closets Idundry room Phone BU 2-5571 450 East Hurst Blvd Hurst (Across from Bell Helicopter) EUROPA APTS Large luxury 1-bedroom 2 Blocks West of LOOP 820 3 doors off Lancaster Adults only No pets No Pool 5720 Dallas Ave GL 1-5358 NICE 3-room garage house employ of lady WA 7-5402 WA 3-2124 SOUTHSIDE large nice downstairs Pills paid front porch Adults only Ion 1-0619 2812 Travis Dorothy Lane Apts 1 and 2-bedroom apts also efficiency PE 7-0063 PE 7-4930 SMALL HOUSE in rear bills paid WA 6-0695 LiPpER 3 ROOMS private bath and entrance Adults only $OO bills paid 2822 Ave JE 5-2822 3-ROOM bath upper brick duplex Cettoie ladies WA 4-3986 WA 3-6491 The Meadows REDECORATED 2-bedroom large den corner garage cyclone fence Only $250 down $75 per month AX 51255 ED 2-2459 904 house fence $4950 $60 month Owner WA 3-3191 1224 BROWN OR Very nice 3-bedroom brick like new central air and heat Nice yard with beautiful trees Milton Wright Agency JE 5-0041 In immediately Assume $65 monthly Payments 3- bedroom Schumacher Wade AX 5-1304 AX 5-1062 IDEAL for large family 11 rooms 22 baths Barbour Real slat 7rI CI 1-1101 116111201 North Side Area 750 2-bedroom den fence trees near school Pay $62 May Open everyday 9 to 9 BROOME JE 65657 SPRING SPECIAL 3-112-1 no down Pay $67 May Sage JE 6-5621 NO DOWN PAYMENT 608 Mulkey Nice 2-bedroom den Near Morningside schools Shopping bus About $55 month Pays all Cali now! GL 1-9111 2824 PECOS 2-bedroom $200 down $62 month TE 11205 PE 2-3123 3805 BURTON Assume FHA $52 month TE 1-1205 PE 2-3123 BY OWNER moving out of town Nice 2-bedroom house A Davis 3313 Cutter St JE 4-1053 FOR RENT OR SALE Redecorated 2 Bedroom SMALL DOWN PAYMENT OWNER WILL CARRY NOTE BU 1-1554 JE 6-2746 SMALL 4-room house large garden $2000 JE 6-1210 2-BEDROOM house with den con- tral heat fenced $6700 Call anytime JE 4-8017 ROLLING owner 3-2 brick carpeted central air and heat fireplaces built-In kitchen Large garage JE 6 7391 buys $3000 equity take up payments 16765 2-bedroom near schools WA 6-6911 bib Truett CR 2-6644 NO DOWN 3-1-1 den fenced Pay SC9 May IF A9P)1 1111NWSZONAINMEMI Northwest Side Area 75G Party Recreation Room BRICK 3 large bedrooms 2 baths living room dining area kitchen den combination fireplace carpets central heat and air-conditioning In tercom 2-car garage 4120 Sanguinet Owner PE 79292 $18000 RIDGLEA BRICK 3-bedroom 1112- baths central air and heat electric kitchen fireplace carpeting end drapes $16000 PE 2-2276 PE 2-0853 3483 CORONADO COURT 2-112 brick in Western Hills buy equity and assume loan $95 month 514 per cent VA loan Cl 4-2782 BENBROOK new 3-bedroom 2-bath bricks 1208 1214 Johnson St $15- 500 Duane Johnson PE 8-4126 A Thoroughbred For "show horse lovers" A pretty brick home for large family Spacious den fireplace stalls etc All on 4 acres $37500 CALL PE 8-5888 Kay PE 7-7996 PE 1-1838 PE 2-2988 Jim Brannan Co PE 7-7296 RIDGLEA WEST Neat as a repo Payments 160 starting May 1st Call now this won't last Cl 1-0587 Green Oaks CI 1-0145 MINANSINSIONINIMINIMINE1 East Side Area 758 ge- I Arlington Property 751 7E1 (HUI Loren kitchi gorm ment side 150' Loot al)ST New office sale 60'sl: down AX 3 INTE near Plant Wata Tee INDL Also Fran FOR store TE 4 310 Fort crop old 2 Sma 12-F( good 400 little der Anne FOR BOG SPR 25 tc dom 50-Al Ellis Join turel 52v2 Poin 517 note 100 near $225 Wilt r3F( shel mod BIJ T14 acrf I Ai twei trod 1 VILLA CAPRI APTS Modern units consisting of bachelor one and two bedrooms I arge clubroom underground Parking new washer and dryers Just minutes from Carswell General Dynamics a downtown Children and WS welcome Manager Ant C-4 2213 Capri Drive at Jacksboro Hwy MA 6-1626 Best Home Buys in Texas BU 1-3509 BU 1-3509 NIGHTS BU 2-5160 BU 3-4088 RIDGLEA 2 'oaths all extras SPlective clientele Luxor Ants 6000 Ma Ivey PE 2-3459 PE 1-1425 NO CREDIT CHECK 2-bedroom I-bath home $450 down $57 per month 4501 Sanford CHAPMAN REALTORS BU 1-0739 AU 1-1900 Bit 2-a7'4 18edford-Euless-Hurst 7511 1-2 and 3-bedroom Luxury apartments 1 $1 1 In Arlington 3301 Somerset CR 5-5841 3-I-DEN air brick SS50 down 8114 month Pearce PE 7-6080 JE 6-0441 PRETTY new FHA 3-2-2 air condi tioned brick built-ins near high school 813950 CR 7-0303 WOODLAND WEST Equity 82100 payments S134 CR 5-0608 114 YEAR old exclusive north side location 3-bedroom 2 baths large family room all extras Cali for appointment CR 7-0306 NEW 2-story 4-bedroom 3 baths ready to move in 81500 Pays all Lisby JE 6-8387 1 i ASSUME LOAN Buy equity 3 bedrooms 2-bath brick Lovely wooded lot Payment $102 month ED 2-1104 Lee Anderson PE 2-1146 McDONALD CO PHONE GL 1-3800 2221 WEILER In Meadowbrook OWNER-2-bedroom fenced S4400 terms 2619 Glenoale TE 8-3908 4212 WEBER-3 bedroom $250 down $73 month TE 1-1205 PE 2-3123 3504 VON 3-bedroom 1 bath near schools and shopping center $5000 MA 6-0113 DIAMOND HILL 2556 Peak-3 bedrooms 1 bath living room kitchen $60 month WA 3-8248 AX 2- 2558 Walker $100 DOWN! Neat 3 bedroom 156 month Pearce PE 7-6080 JE 6-0441 3-BEDROOM house built-ins fenced 4016 Oscar Owner LOVELY DEN with 2 big bedrooms completely redecorated $55 month Pays everything No down first payment May Lisby JE 6-8387 3213 NORTH Clinton large 3-bedroom frame $40 down $60 month (7-I 1-011 InalaMINNOMMUNESIEN Southwest Side Area 75E SPLIT LEVEL Best school location in Wedgwood Lovely corner lot with side drive 4- bedroom 3-bath home loads of storage area Large den with beamed ceiling and fireplace 1 bedroom and bath upstairs $22900 Best financing See today! TESS SEBESTA REALTOR AX 2-1779 TESS SEBESIA REALTOR 2-1779 CHOICE EASTSIDE LOCATION MODERN glass front air-conditioned building Poly area Rosedale at Ayers 10000 square feet Readily available ample paved park-Ina 8 to 5 call AX 5-1141 nights and weekends JE 2826 NEAR GD Carswell lake front 2 bedroom frame $5500 CI 6-1561 Fore Realty CI 6-1687 GREENFIELD Acres Executive home LI acres pool 3-bedroom den CI 61561 Fore Realty CI 6-1687 RIVER OAKS area new 3-bedroom orick central heat oven and ranoe No clbsinq cost Payments $69 97 plus taxes and Insurance Wilson Built Homes CE 72288 BY OVVNE Attractive red brick 3 bedrooms 2 baths den double oaraqe approximately 1750 square feet fenced trees near 3 rhho5 MO nAcc TIKONEWSWOMMINEIMMen Northeast Side Area 75901 Colonial Hotel Room with privale baths 11450 also 1 and 2-bedroom ants efficiency PE 7-4930 PE 8-29o3 VE RS1DE Close In bills paid $16 weeK up Adults TE 4-32313 NONE nicer has everything air twin beds electric Kilmer From 1 Sal to $75 or week 912 Est E- A-3011 The 1-10119e Where You Can Enjoy Comfortable Convenient Living One Or Two Bedroom Apartments Furnished Or Unfurnished Starting At WO 554 Summit ED 6-2593 REASONABLE RENT SOUTH SIDE Children welcome Pay weekly ED 6-2416 NEAR River Oaks-5-room duplex nice furniture Water lights CR 2 6938 I Real Estate Wntd 75M 1 2-bedroom home on beautiful 1-acre plot el cyclone fence Ideal for horses chickens or garden Milton Wright Agency JE 5-0841 5295 BALANCE $4655 5406 HaMP shire bargain 2-bedr000m paneled carport 2 rooms at back Hurry Kittredge PE 24181 BRICK 3 bedrooms 2 bath den living and dining room electric kitchen central air new carpet See to appreciate 7005 Jewell GL 1- 2479 by 100 with balconies 1115 Main ED 5-0288 NICE SMALL 2 bedroom house in Haltom City $926 Wall WA 6-1031 TE 8-3616 NICE 3 bedroom in Poly 3111 Ave I WA 6-7031 or TE 8-3616 REDECORATED Small 2-bedroom house Will sell CI I-1154 NEAR POLY High-2-bedroom couple only No pets TE 8-3740 2 BEDROOM frame 3025 Lack-land WA 4-8289i 2 BEDROOM nicely furnished 200 Hallyale BU 1-1394 or TE 4-3374 LAKE WORTH 5 rooms bath hills paid $09 CE 1-2858 HURST large air conditioned brick 3 bedrooms den electric kitchen Very well furnished Lease $180 month CUB BEAR REALTOR BU 2-3546 RIVERSIDE 5 rooms and garage $55 month TE 8-9884 CASH TO $1750 I Offices for Rent 56 I WILSHIRE APT 1 and 2 bedrooms S100 and up PU 11831 Euless For eatiltieS over 8 yearS old All areas Any condition (Pay ail cash for clear homes) Robert A Randol WA 6-0115 Z-3A63H drooFmORoldbeatrohain priced h2 saLci North or Northeast area Al 4-0106 8 Evans AT 4-0108 FOREST ST HILL area indivitio wants to assume loan on 3-bedroom 2bath Will buy small empty JE 6 9397 WILL PAY all cash for homes Mr Newman ED 6-0811 JE 4-6183 IHouses Unfurnished 52 I LOAN ASSUMPTION $750 DOWN 1031 MONTH I-yearAX old 3-bedroom brick 2-bath iitchen-den air built-ins tencPERFECT FOR TWO ed yard Good school location MAYVIS RICHARDSON ON QUIET court In Westcl*tt Sped- AT 4-0307 OU 1-3580 ous 2-bedroom 2-bath with separate BIJ 2-3755 BU 1-4125 dining central air lovely wooded mUST SELL this week 2-bedroom lot This you must see! house In Northeast Area that is SEBESTA REALTOR extra clean Small down assume loan at 582 month Call BU 1-5537 AX 2-1779 HOME OR BUSINESS FHA AREA BROKER 2 LARGE LOTS zoned industrial WE HAVE several reconditioned 2 with 9 A room houes Corner With 2 6 room houses Corner BY OWNER-2 year old on woodod lot in city of Hurst 7 rooms den with fireplace $1500 down assume 6 per cent loan AT 4-8694 ASSUME 5 large brick 3-2-2 central air dishwasher disposal fireplace Wood fence $120 month FHA OR VA Brick 3-2-2 central air hardwood floors fenced large trees 5-BEDROOM 2-bath central air fireplace Assume eouity 0127 month CUB BEAR REALTY BU 2-3546 BU 2-3361 IDS WESICLIFF Luxury 3-bedroom brick 2 baths paneled den with massive fireplace beamed coiling and bookcases All built-ins air formal dining room covered patio full nylon carpet Extra nice throughout REAVES ROYAL HOMES BU 3-2461 BU 2-1951 REPAIR for down 3-2-2 air conditioned brick near junior hi 513750 FHA-VA SU 1-3509 BU 3-408a CONTINENTAL ESTATES Executive type homes for young couples $13500 to $19500 FHA-VA 6 per cent interest 30-Year $105 to $125 monthly Barfield and Salvers Realty BU 2-6735 BU 2-1969 NICE 3-2-2 Built-ins air $13000 S450 down 1137 Harrison Lane BU 2-6711 Tongate BU 1-0236 ASSUME loan NICE 3-2-2 brick built-ins air fireplac BU 2-6422 Worley BU 1-6271 HURST HILLS bargain 3-4 bedroom bricks by builder TE 4-5229 NEAR BELL only $106 month new FHA 3-2-2 air built-ins low down payment TE1-1205 PE 2-3123 ASSUME LOAN-5137 Month 1 800 sguare feet 3-2-2 brick air draped fenced wooded corner lot Barfield and Salvers Realty BU 2-6735 BU 2-1969 NEW SPANISH modern 3-7 brick sch0015 475 Carnation SI5575 FHA-VA BU 1-3509 BU 2-4523 ASSUME Beautiful 3-2-2 air built-ins $I49- SI500 down BU 2-6711 Tongate BU 1-0236 nVFLY-- 3-2-2 1700 square feel all extrac BU 2-5436 SEI IS I mot 701! I or 2-Bedroom Houses $2A Homes IDGLE A ADDN-5821 Locke Modern 2 bedrooms WA 4-7519 PE 2- C511 196 rooi Coo pIta Village Square Apartments I or 2 bedroom furnished or unfurnished LOOP 820 to Brentwood exit or Turnpike Handley Exit 1901 Handley Dr GL 1-0559 i ARL HTS--Nice 1 bedroom duplex 985 bills pd PE 7-3810 FORT WORTH'S NICEST In 1 ur UL 1-1)n HTS--Nice 1 bedroom duplex i85 bills bald PE 7-3810 FO RT VORTH'S NICEST NORTH SIDE 3-room bath I Adults only No drinking Days MA 4-0441 nights TE 88n89 924 8TH AVE NICELY furnished Si60 Bills paid JE 55661 TCU-1 block from campus 1 bedroom newly furnished S115 plus rmities WA 4E261 A6EADOWBROOK nice small art tile bath carpel bills pid 1 or 2 adults 160 JE ICU CAMPUS Spacious aot $80 month WA 6-2E74 2 LARGE redecorated 2737 Hernnhist viiA 72716 29-i0 TRAVIS AVE 3 rooms air mimed bus oills paid rout nice 2'2 rooms bilis paid I employed adult 565 JP 616 KARNE 3 room ant 510 week Water (mid couPle TE 16820 COLLEGE New paint bills raid adults Oren 7 to 6 REASONABLE RENT-SOWN SIDE Children welcome Paiv weekly ED 6-2416 GARAGE APT on Forest Park WA 3-4366 ED 2-1951 FE IC IENCY garage near $50 Bills paid JE 5-5845 :1116 AVE L-3 upper rooms Bus (lourle Bills paid JE 6-3294 of Lawnwood and Swain Best buy in Fort Worth tor cash WA 4-3124 Clifton White WA 14647 HENLEY REALTOR NEW HULEN Street location office medical space now leasing 100 to 10000 feet PE 8-1062 DESIRABLE space Welborn Building $45 up Adjoining Rodeway Inn 1115 Lancaster ground floor TCU office desk space with secretarial and answering service Parking WA 7-7801 PANELED carpeted draped air Bills paid most reasonable Ample parking across from Bell 305-A Hurst Blvd (US 183) Leander Leander BU 2-0231 OFFICE space for lease covered parking 910 Collier St ED 2-5254 WESTERN Building new 5 story West Freeway at Ridemar 1-2-2- room deluxe suites Secretarial answering service Parking PE 8 6585 TOM WHITLEY CO REALTORS 71-H-1Jniversity area attractive 3-room sulle Near bank post' Office Schuster WA 7-5311 POLY'S Best Nearly new atr Park lot 54750 u0 2826 Rosedale Mr Brown JE 4-1069 JE 5-7396 OF! ICE space east side 300 Square foot for Only $80 all bills paid 1GL 1-1344 or JE 6-2262 'NICELY furnished office in good 'location Receptionist and answering service included S45 WA 6-5461 ANSWERING and or secrelarial service available Individual offices or suites Parking Hills paid Free 1 Janitorial service ICU area 3014 Sanclarie WA 3 8248 ASSUME Ideal for horse lovers 3 bedrooms 2 baths den big romper room bullt-in range and oven Drapes carpet Assume loan on this big red brick corner lot Must sell moving GL 1-3431 2313 GRANDVIEW by owner 2- bedroom 1-bath frame GL 1-4415 Meadowbrook's Best LOCATION NEAR SCHOOLS AND PARKS Duality construction 2000 sq feet 3 bedrooms paneled den 2 baths carpels dishwasher disposal central air conditioning 2-car garage fenced corner lot $950 down with 6 per cent loan 1748 Lakeshore Drive GL 143463 MEADOWBROOK-Handiey Assume loan Lovely Early American on beautiful tree lot 3-2 double garage air heat built-Ins owner transferred 516400 GL 1-0662 PE 2-5303 HANDLEY-2-bedroom small den clean 53500 cash Gass GL 1-4117 BEAUTIFUL WOODED iof 4-2-den sprinkler system assume equity Gl 1-2393 1517 A7teca Dr ILOVELY 3-212-den laundry room 2 car garage plus storage Air conditioned intercom fireplace all kitchen built-ins carpets This beautiful home cost 527500 to build 3 years ago Take $3000 for my ienuity balance $22000 Owner GL 11-9111 441 lc ITZ fen i POLY-2816 Bucton newly decoratapt 1 ed adults Onhi $60 month WA 3- 9197 1E 4-2282 1 2 L)Rv Og OM 3 baths den and inooilea Hills 5175 1 Tess Sebesta PE 2-2823 rot 4021 redecorated 2-bed- near school BU 1-5959 week- rei- Ji-ifrTz ends or alter vyeek days 4 (''''' 1 41 12-BEDOOAA near GDar61 Car 9 4021 REED-555 redecorated 2-bed- 3A11 Ir itzt near school BU 1-5959 Week- ends or after 5 week days 6 't 12-BEDROOM near GD and Cars' WANT 6 small GI-FHA 2 or 3bed room $4000 to $8000 class over 8 Years old Any condition or area David Brown JE 4-1069 JE 5-7196 WANTED 2 or 3 bedroom South of southwest Payments not over S175 Per month Flora Gray PE 8- 6906 Peggy co*ckerel! AX 2-0344 WE BUY Equities--Assume loans Realty AX 3 3678 anYtime WE BUY SELL TRADE finance better properties FAST! TRY US' Better Homes Realty PE 2-7181 WELL LIST or buy your equity or older home Parker GL 1-9111 BUY loans Fair deal! Pearce PE 7-6080 JE HAVE BUYERS for homes business property Frank Clark MA 47478 BUY equitles Need linos CAs PeAltv GE 14117 and 3-bedroom homes for sale Call us for information HORTON REAL ESTATE WA 7-8584 WA 7-7636 PE 1-1154 WA 16198 WESTCLIFF (new area) 2000 square toot brick den fireplace 2 baths 3 bedrooms dishwasher disposal air etc Excellent condition 4332 Bi 'blade Rd west of South Or north of Loop 820 By owner ED 5-9172 Open 2-5 Sunday REDECORATED--Like new 3-bedroom home Owner take 2nd for Dart or small eoultV Vacant March 1 LOLA PAGE WA 3-7441 CAN YOU BEAT THIS: 1680 square feet 814000 3-Bedroom 2-Bath Fireplace Leander Leander Ch? NE end fist Inc' atic well 1037 Isbell Rd Call CR 4-7086 WA 6-4035 5 ROOMS CLEAN convenient 2944 LOOP 820 AT OAK GROVE Pecan 81250 week WA 4-4551 1-2-3 bedrooms 2 baths Largest 2-BEDROOM 2-bath living room Closets in Town den and kitchen combination Built From a low $109 to 8279 in range and oven Central heat and I air washer connections fenced yard 12-3-bedroom and studio ants Drink OGWOOO TER RACE $125 month JE 4-15293513 Falcon 3418 CRENSHAW-3 sauna bath 10 minutes to General rooms and bath Dynamics adult Ana family side 'Carport fenced backyard newly re- i Starting at 5105 bills bad AX 2-0127 decorated near bus couple one- 1 ferred AV LA hey 11MI WAVERLY WAY I PropOut of FortW 75R I $tp 02 16' 30 UNITS oroincind $7000 Month income Will trade or finance Le lol BU 3-2020 AX 2-1555 REALTOR WA 4-3241 WESTCLIFF By owner 6-room brick 2 baths new drapes Carpets Excellent condition $16150 Small down By appointment WA 4-3192 to all schools Early American 3 bedrooms 2-bath large paneled den with fireplace air conditioned arid all built ins By owner $21900 FHA or 100 per cent VA financing AX 2-0553 Arthur Wilkinson JE 'OFF ICE space no available in I NEWLYWEDS HALTOM CITY 3 rooms newly dec Fort Worth Titte Bldg on Free- 2-BEDROOM large den newly decorated TE 4-0638 wav Free parking janitor service ()rated inside out Nice SocaED 2-1295 lion S0 month RIDGLEA area 2-bedroom fenced a GROUND floor suite with vault also TYNIE SHARP back yard carpeted attached other nice offices Parking Ion GL 1-9489 JE 5-5206 6237 The Brant Co Lancaster TE 8 0804 WA 6-4004 MEADOWBROOK 3-1 lm- rage very neat $100 month ED 2 CENTRAL heat and air newly re mediate occupancy Near schools POLY 2-bedroom stove retrigera- decorated free parking $40 and $601 and shopping Recently remodeled 7 tor bus TE 4-2453 3108 5th ED 6-1555 closets Huge fenced lot mem 35' len IVacant Lots 76 I reng Quarter Apartments 4761 Lancaster Miacent to Monnig's East 1 be rnrwn dots turnished and untur risheci kitchens Sort ttvotth'S most convenient location JE nOWN't0i'VN 618 vV 2rd Otis cald $10 week private tmt- ED 2-011-6 t'tjtV Cie tn furnneO ONLY $200 To 3-2-2 brick Nicely landsceped fenced Doyle Real Estate TE A-6305 1311 1-4842 BU 1-4319 TE 4-4114 FHA AfrEA BROKERS Redecorated homes in ail Price ranges Call us any time CLEO LIGHTFOOT AT 4-7410 JEAN LINDSEY BU 1-1183 Helen Johnson Bill Lusk AT 4-0681 BU 1-3050 TE 8-0441 RICHLAND brick 3-2-2 low down May payment Sage JE 65621 3109 LAKELAND-2 bedrooms 5200 down $86 month TE 1-1205 PE 2-3123 NEW 3-2 brick near elementary 8I5100 low down FHA-VA Builder's model BU 1-3509 AT 41683 ASSUME 3-BEDROOM 2 baths large den central heat and air built-ins near shopping center NEW BRICK REPOSSESSED SEE TO APPRECIATE 3-bedroom 2 baths fireplace in den covered patio school bus picks children Lip TYNIE SHARP GL 1-9489 Je Si-5206 JUST RIGHT FOR A PILOT You have have 4 acres Huge oaks with private pond-well 12860 souare feet in lovely brick home Priced to sell at 533500 32 acres ediacent for SeS00 BARFIELD-SALTERS REALTY BU 2-6135 BU 2-1959 43C9 CONKLING near west Bird-vine Elementary 5-room frame redecorated nice lot frees $5500 terms Will accent part trade Judd Agencv TE 8-5642 nights TE 4-0806 NEAR Cox's Center real nice 5- room home complete with built-ins wP11 pump large wooded lot $9500 SI000 down VS month et 6 per cent Bill Hatcher TO 4-0806 Judd Agency weekday TE 8-5642 421 Thedroom apts furnished or 'unfurnished Connecting carport I beautilui lawn and grounds mainlainrd Located just south of West-cm Hills Hotel Call Ethan Allen Fort Worth Nat'l Bank ED 5-5111 or I T'dont Manger PE 2-2395 PE 8- CHATEAU DE 550 fith Ake ED 62672 An oasis of luxury in the midst of the city Best location in town 2 heated pools beautiful gardens Fur nisned or unfurnished surprisingly AND 2-bodrourn ants Close in South Side $15 up GL 1-till nn oasis or luxury in ina mi osi me city at est locion in town if i heated pools beautiful gardens Fur- mished or unfurnished surprisingly i 'ibte reason 1 NL) A 2-bedr DOM apts Close in South Safe $iS upGL 1-9111 7628 OS SU 2 bedroom $65 moM 2ronm Air S29 'OW it 3C10131V ie 015 lanl- Janis I tor 5128 Lancaster GI 1 8611 IOW down Owner finance BU 2-7979 WI In BI Loan Assumptions Euless-2 brick homes 3-2-2 den air Payments $96 65111 Barfield and Saiyers Realty BU 2-6735 BU 2-1969 REAL APPEAL Plus charming livability in this 3- bedroom 2bath Spanish home In Maytair $4750 loan assumption By appointment AT 4-9517 EU 3-2214 WINTERS-EVANS INC Realtors PU 3 5341 NEW brick home in Bell Manor for Immediate nocueancy air bill Ins EU 3-3321 TE 1 1205 4-BEDROOM 2-bath corner fenced yard barbecue patio wsinut paneled den fireplace S5500 equity Monthly payments S11360 701 Canyon Ridge Dr Euless EU 3-1658 LOVELY 4-2-2 paneled den fireplace trees many extras see to appreciate by owner BU 2-7519 LOT 12 block Hills Addi lion back of GD S250 cash for clear title Joe Irwin 5355 Goodwin Dallas TA 4-4142 FOR of 50)050 $600 JE 64254 Now Beautiful Restricted Homess West Side BrooksMoreiand Addn Cl 4-1330 O'Dell Moore PE 16303 MORNINGSIDE Addition DUP1X and single family lots near utilities paved street WA 443573 3436 SOUTH MAIN 505E125' doPle4 or sirole family utilities paved street 421 ADOWBROOK nPar s'Ononcl Varri vArv privote CE PivERSIDE-3-roorn apt Gartsoe adults BWs tsAol 19 set Also Iv 4l21 Godttad You Too Can pttord To Live in Dirlisirabie i TWO i bedroom nouses 'III) I nom- 1 as Rd Haltom City TE 1-15 new First floor offices with free 16 I 00 MA CON Building Downtown I antique brick 3- '1 in room dream bndroom 2 bath home Living room 1 POLY-2-beciroorri redecorated 4117 parking Across from Central Fire' in kitchen electric a i Peed S55 FIU 1-5959 weekends or I sttion i built-ins lame den huge fireolace PE 8-6051 carpeted draped central air 2-car ft 5 weekdays 1110M WHITLEY CO REALTORS1 Per wooded lot Landscaped Assume 514 917 SPR INGBPOOK 2 bedroom I interest payment $144 month AP- tramp hardwood floor fenced Well Wanted to Rent 57 1 Pointment GL 1-5154 THE iandscapod 1 CUB BEAR REALTORS EASTWOOD-3-bedroom home Fenc- led ar age no down 154 month I PARK CENTRAL PLI 2 3: 46 I BU 2-336113 BEDROOM house by March 1st Westside area WA 3-9611 Bi rikenship JE 615609 IDGLEA Area-2-bedroom washer STEAL THIS ONE 3-2-112 brick fenced backyard scipar- garage $100 per month ED 2- Rental Service BU 2-6422 built-ins air 0 5 I Wnriny au 1-6771 16237 The Brants Co or furnished or Ini- ARL HTS-4429 Fletcher 2 Property LARGE native rock home 3-bed- LET US Manage Your 1 1 room ty rig an dining room mod' 1 Lamisond ail e1ectric Kitchens Ex kbrims carport $15 WA 3-8248 AX 2- Bryan Ortroory Townren ern kitchen with built-ins den with tfra larne ants walk in elosets 2558 40 Years Experience ED 5-4325 huge rock fireplace 2-car garage club room swimming pool 5200 East 1 LEASE 4-BEDROOM 2 FULL Lancaster Phone OL 1-7744 I BATHS EXECUTIVE HOME Houses for Sale 75 I and patio Assume 514 Per cent 1 SUB-LET idgicia-2-bedroom ga MONTICELLO I GI loan only 92000 equity Exist- inn Inain 117100 asy access to I-- rt)--e' Manacte tdroish0O ad eectrc Kachens Ex IA rooms carPort S75 WA J-4248 RA LE I US Bryan Greaory Townour Property ten 2r8 ra lame eats walk in nc 40 Years Experience ED 5-4325 club room swimming Pont 5200 East LEASE 4-BEDROOM 2 FULL Lancaster Phone OL1-7744 I BATHS EXECUTIVE HOME SUB-LET Rdoiea--2-bedronm ga- MONTICELLO I Houses for Sale 75 I -L por TWO I brdroom houses antique brick 3- built-ins air BU 2-6422 WorlAy at) 1-6771 LARGE native rock home 3-bedroom living and dining room modern kitchen with built-ins den with huge rock fireplace 2-car garage and patio Assume 514 Per cent GI loan only S2000 eoultv Exiting loan S17300 Easy access to On siz II FC 412 PER CENT LOAN 2-BEDROOM 1-bath school shopping Westcliff GL 1-0351 WESICLIFF Large 3-bedroom bath brick Hying dining combination family room fireplace central heat-air utility room large free-covered lot 2600 square feet Hying area MO Inwood Rd Shown by RP' nointment only WA 3-8246 WA 7 89761 3-2-2 BRICK Air and built-Ins slob down 8100 closing 8119 month Pearce Pb 7-6080 JE 6-0441 EXPECT TO BE Captivated by the charm of the landscaPed Yard with conIcrete curbed beds and tree encir icied Patio ideal for outdoor Inter taining air conditioned 3-bedroom 1112balh den only 815750 In see 'call Maurine Cramer WA 6-0408 i Carter Realty WA 3-8287 THE DP 1-3ah corner iot sump 87 300 FHA loan 8150 for erigity WA 4-2094 4441 Lubber TRY TO BEAT Westclift large 3-bedroom 2-bath APTS Ridgway Manors kertrnewne irn APTS 1 2 bedrooms PE 16' fol LOVELY 3-2-3rick 2-car air S995 Wooded area $LOOP down pay t- 1--aro WA 414513 S138 May Open everyday 9 to 9 WILL BUILD on your lot Ye Broome JE 6-56571 plans or mine WA 3-5365 BRICK-4-2-2 excellent conditinnVEDGECLIFF VILLAGE Beautlfdl eocimed patio wooded lot air con- large lots some with creek Coonditioned Located Euless S19950 try living with City utilities and con-Owner BU 3-2911 venience no Fort Worth twos Terms Eckif-cl*tt Development Co TRAILER SIO0 down V2 closing coct 912 month 1 A 1 MO Yi ta 171 44 1 I i 'i 0 nit I Loon 820 and turnpike 7228 Mea dowbrook Dr GL 1-7590 NEAR down So8 monthly 4-bedroom Fence Biankenti-' r9 IMINCOOTSMINESMONIMO South Side Area 75C BURLESON 3113-2 brick built-ins rose to eiementary school in beautfui Southwest Villane FHA-VA plan 5100 down total price only $12000 Hereby Homes AX 5-1071 AX 5- 1813 A 5-1823 'GOOD BUYS New 12-2 briCkS farnily rooms CR 2-9274 Cl 2--6129 BUY month loan near schools AX 5-2429 after 320 pm week days ADJACENT Ricfalea Country cb COnvement C-C) and Carswell Attractively accarated 1 2 rrnshed-Unturn and 1-bedroorn ants iishert nt WESTRIDGE PE 70421 ve1y round 2-2116 Central au' nat fireplace fenced A-TT-ENTION CLIFFOWELLERS- '----1 vard Amole storaae throuahout 2- 1 and Toedroorn contemporary Ants 1ARL HT5 4 rm oo Oarage ACT pare nos auest house $250 West Side Area 75A 1o7rcnt loc-tor S125 to S2(a) 1X-0 An-lts decriraed PE 1-10 I mriati PE 7 7ean it) 512 i Yd Terrace ED 2793 HETPHILL 1-3 6-droorri clean' FOR RENT 4917 CULVER AVE PIVIERA Apts-Privae oft strop! Ike na es Parkirg sropoing 42i2 Rned 2 bedroom covered ga- I LIKE NEW brick home living room narking op pool bus near sios WA i-6111 pat Poly convenient den fireplace 3 bedrooms drapes I a9e area 3103 Seventh PE 24119 E0 6 -II2V3I htCii 344 tiniversilv Dr 'Well fur- tn 'bus snooping $85 month BU 1- anid carpet 2 baths electric kitchen i73-RTH SIDE 3 rooms bath 'nherl 1 bedroom MO water PaCl310 central heat and caanct washers 7421 Louna FAA 62502 PE a 5719 ence 3812 IdrVer COnneCtiOhAs 2 car (Janne star- t'age Assume loan or FHA RIVERSIDE nice duplex Iroort SCUTH SIDE-Bills Pad retinkhed adults 56 BURTON 2 bedronro 0 JE 5-8472 I 3916 BUNTING Aat ant TE d-522'1 TE 8-57''4 TE 8-36161 1SOUTH SIDE-CornAr of Travis and 3 bedroom home excellent Clean 5 smail rooms Baltimore 2 bedrooms and deni 27-POOV5 private bath he-dr BiLLS PAID condition Conveniently located Art I WA 6 3189 S40 CWPe 575 No nIdrene connection Fenced CL It I fits Own a rice home Iltte down or 350A Locke PE 1-9K5 1 lAaonthy navments Ike rent Apartment souDE Covenent 4 room InallanUMENMERINZEOMS 2 '2 1' OWEN REALTY VT PE 7-6714 I upsters aot 1315 5 Adims '3 edrm Houses or Larger 528 A TTRACTIVE convenient harp an I A REAL BEAUTY Inf ormation 23 Wa'hnd'On Ave WA 4-18C2 13 Cl ff 4-bedroom unfurnished 590 ood closet space In lovely 3-bed106 HPIPHILL duorx Nice month Teiephone CA 6-1858 I room brick In Ridgmar Slate floor rooms Salrwav Lee PE 2 716 wEST clOE BRICKS PE 2-3040 ed entry sunken den large utility A gency AEI HTS Ovhi telrnratayi riar A9 Parksde 3-1-1 carpet 5110 12 10y baths Draped carpeted 1- tntt2is '---7 cairrant PE 7- 7717 Canna 3-1-I carpet fence Sln5 I ceottal aut vectric kitchen pool Lovely grouod PE 2 27'6 Ceotral hoat Air fireplace it yard Ample ctoraae throughout Agency brick tivingidining combination den fireplace central heat air covered patio Just a little down Shown by appointment Tommy Gay WA 1-1334 HOuSES LIQUIDATION I BU 26211 Tongate BU 2-1047 BENBROOK large acre size tots BARGAINS FOR CASN Outstanding i Terri saiii buid tc your p'aes Bargain 10iiine Johres PF Wiwi OLDER HOUSES NEED REPAIRS1 Sub Acreage Imp 77 I 1210 ALSTON AVE South Side oiSPacious 3-bedroom brick in May- 1-bath garage storage i fair 2400 square feet large r00MS rooms room S3000 I throughout 2 baths kitchen with 2514 Hitt 4-Ibuiit-ins rock fireplace fence trees tall around Entire new turnihinnsi morn 1-ba1h cyclone fence S2000 40 ACRES 1904 4-room )bath1 for sale also Owner returning to LARGE OAKS stock tank older S1500 EuroPe BU 2660 i noose and barn 33(11 HARDY Hill BY loan contem 1Paul Wln'Prs CR 24561 6 room' rr 1-bath garage 13000 porary 32 den fireplace enclosed GARDEN ACRES THE DRUMMOND co v4to wa'ring diance arcondition-IBy owner 3 bedrooms 2-bath brick Pnaitors ed eiementary BU 1-S477 after 'cn acre 16)0 square feet SI 2r0 TE 14211 TE 8-4160 TE 87681 I tor ectiity Pick on PaYmentSi PP0P11 NgCREDIT brir 17li Houses for Sate 75 I AX 1 att! 6 pm weot risys AZ I TEX Modern home Sc 500 MCI I VI ULM Ut-1 vrni 33(11 HARDY St--Diemord Hill' BY loan cootem i Paul W'n'Prs CR 265A1 6 rooms 1-bath oarape 13000 Donlon 32 den fireplace enclosed GARDEN ACRES THE DRUMMOND CO wa'king distaoce ar-rnndfion-18v owner 4 bedrooms 2-bath brlck Realtors ed eiementary BU 1-5477 after co acre 1 550 square feet S1 2A0 TE 14211 TE 134160 TE 4-207 for ecty Pick up PaYments Phan' A 1 "'5 aftsr 6 weot devs NO CREDIT CHECK brirk 3-2 'Houses for Sate 73 I AZA TEX Malern home Sic 500 10 WiLL BUItD on your iot as low as Sli sour? font WA 3-5365 2 BEDROOMS near ICU will sell FHA 578-0 575CI down WA 31535 SOUTH HILLS or FHA puilman bath patio fenced FHA SOD down LOLA PAGE WA 3-7611 builbln range oven 310500 S74 month Teasley AT 4-7012 ALAI Am ye I I 2-acre horse barn well Ir0Ps ry 7 9c StArtrirnilah 4-F 72A'l month Teasley AT 4-7012 1 Mseelfctneous Arens 751 CE 7 965 Scarborough CE fiftir oiptIn It d1 It i 1 tt It I 1 itt- it 1211 nAw 3-bod 1217 new er TV a 1 J--oeu- room frame No clnsng coot $6750 I AIM WA 3-6912 SPLIT LEVEL NEED a home' Out of town owner 1 brick home Boyd ncr: VIE PARK Acid110n by owner 3- distance TCU 7 bed-1 has lovely 3-7-7 den brick in rooms 2 baths large den aneled BrOWeing Ht on attractive terms CUSTOM bomes quality built by Pt bedroom brick 17-bath WaCiOUS den ar conditon Cnntral heat car- sortnkter SVSIPM Many iCa I jE 57g59 Vahay Sm" TE 11215 TPWAS $800 RANCHO NORTH SmaI town hy waiking distance TCU 7 bP1- a uvry VIE PARK Arldon by owner 3- i Sabine Valiey Smith TE 1-125 I SOW) bedr0011 biCk li 7-bath WaCiOUS flre)4Ce Sol' Ink ter SVSIPM Many iCel JE S-7gS9 rooms 2 baths large paneled (tend Browning Hts''rr fctig'e'''l'erm's'" CUSTOM homes Quell's built by nearly new Rt I Boa 141A Boyd den air condition central heat car-fr i choico nr00d RANCHO NORTH Small town liv- I A 7 FD5-5 Pvi'le 12-1: Cle'''' SChC'DI S115 'TESS SEBESTA REALTOR SiDE --S-room ilOUSE S50 PE 2-2823 A '-Pft ci-1-1h VO9E renlers PE 7-701 Fort Aorth Orrrles Pr4S dishwasher walk-in Sub Acreage Unimp 781 ficrreel bvid4 colty0cotnEvenience Homes SrIMMONS AND MEADOR AGENCY' utility mom 7x10 fnol shed larger 0 'fz' 'MORE circufatlon readers! 2-0161 TE 1-125 oatio 1300 sa ft Priced to sell 5416 Manse Lass WA 4102e INNUMEEMOITIMMI10110110 make STAR-TELEGPAN Penpie As 2ACRE tracts trees water choice Sortheost Side Area 75Fkproduce BEST results To oiace ads NEW 3-br-droom brick living-dining the Peogis Ad Phone I DupixsAptsSale 75JJ bifildng sites close in exceiient ronm large Paneled den breakfast WHITE Settlement-5 furnished terms 100 per cent CA fnanriol room bar ceotrai air rannmoven i POLYMEADOWBROOK I tor buiidirg Tommy Gass WA 113701 dishosal 2 baths 7-car FHANA12774 Cormen 32 frame An ED 2-7722 -1--FOR A COUNTRY GENTLEMAN I hoOrnom aols Viand all rented Si25 down only Snit month wil42i2 Lorin 21 frame S-51 trarte A S-125 2-7yie i 921 ParkirtAle 2-I frame S'i' i ci sisbi pry' pti ct 6187 5 A1RES-0o well paved road: ----1 Avea of nice homes Eyerman CR il-st93 i Pr'LY StrO de 4' 7 or- vi--is 5--VALL How sA' eat? l' 2 brio( terms The T- Cci ED 2-171 CR 2-'251 Arthur JE 6-9609 Ford I cent IS years TE ALA TE 1-37S9AX 3-VW Gal Reel AX 3-In1 FOR A COUNTRY GENTLEMAN 5 AC RES--0o woll pavod A''i of ntce torns Evfcrngom i I so--7s AX 3-41W Gel Reel A 3-12 mare STAP TELEGRA Pedp Ads VD CORDONE-3-17 fenCrO yard I PE2-7725 2 bireks 5C h001 CentrAi hrat voluce PEST results To Placa ads 1 41 "'e 'AIA 3775 lrharr STAR-TELEGRAM Pelee Arts I 'l'i l''llor) at clovhr Lahr 3 BEDROOylS 2 baths arconOl i 000V-0 PEST resuds To piacP ads 'dial tn PeOp AS ont 1 td cer-Iri1 hrAt intcom fire-1d al the People Ad phone rc--Pr tE 3-rhom--a-ot nare c-'oe's 3614 San Marrosl h1 ePrency bol rd rorl In 1 mrwi CI 1 I -I- no Per viv-4 A Iv 5- I ED 2-7722 I tt 1i 4025 7 2 2 CAPPETED large d- f0 ED 2-7722 I- xii- 1r rt a I t-- flo 1-71 ZZ C1 a 011 7 2-2 CLOPETED dAn firo kitrhen Oncirari V44 ED 2 IN A INA I NA INA I 11:0 offtMyltet-ilkp 4 trif 11 tt Or f'4.

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Author: Kelle Weber

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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.